


About GFruit --------------------------------------------------------------------------
This project, “The Transfer of Global Information System on Tropical Fruits with Special Focus on Africa ”, is funded by the Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) with the support of the FAO-Intergovernmental Group on Tropical Fruits, the designated International Commodity Body for tropical fruits. The information system was developed by International Tropical Fruits Network (TFNet) and named “GFruit”.
Project Objectives ---------------------------------------------------------------------

In the tropical fruit industry, an important need for any country is to increase productivity and enhance its competitiveness. Increases in production and product quality are highly dependent on improved and readily access to knowledge on all aspects relating to tropical fruits. In recognition of the need to have a unified authoritative reference source on tropical fruit information, International Tropical Fruits Network (TFNet) in collaboration with the Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) has developed this “Global Information on Tropical Fruits”.

The main objective of this project is to provide credible and comprehensive technical information and knowledge on tropical fruits, integrated with trade and marketing information for the benefit of the stakeholders of the tropical fruit industry, including the French speaking stakeholders in the African region so as to:

•  Improve the productivity of the tropical fruit industry;

•  Enhance the quality of tropical fruits; and

•  Expand the tropical fruit trade internationally.

This information system currently contains information on technical, production and trade for 15 selected fruits, namely, avocado, banana, carambola, citrus, durian, guava, jackfruit, lansium, mango, orange, papaya, pineapple, rambutan, sapodilla, and watermelon.

Newsroom ----------------------------------
Fruits Online ------------------------------
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Project Collaborators:

Common Fund for Commodities (CFC)
